Mulberry, FL Class of '56

This blog is for the pleasure, entertainment and news updates about classmates of the 1956 graduating class of Mulberry, Florida High School. It may be used and accessed by classmates and invited MHS alumni and comments about the posts are encouraged. Have fun, oldtimers!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Nothing Further Needs to be Said ...


43 percent of all Americans say that illegal immigration is a serious problem.

The other 57 percent said, "No hablo inglés"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Classmate Al Hood Passes

It is always sad when we read an obituary of someone we knew from our youth. This is especially true when that person was about our age and we'd lost track of him or her over the years. That's how it was when Bobby Arnold let me know that Al Hood's obituary had been in the Tampa Tribune and I went to the Tribune website and pulled up Al's obit. This is how I remember Al, who was a high school friend, but with whom I lost contact after graduation. This is from my high school annual and other memorabilia:

I truly regret that I never got to ask him about his middle name of "Burdette". We were probably kin and never knew it. My great loss.
Here's a picture of the Homecoming Parade in 1954, our Junior year, which was in front of the old Mulberry High School. Caraker's "Li'l Red Truck" is to the right in the picture (I think I was driving - Ron in passenger seat) and Lamar Peace and Al Hood were on the back of the truck:

That's John Mock driving his little sports car with Rubye Anderson, one of the Homecoming Queen hopefuls.

Al represented MHS well in football and basketball, too. After transferring from Pinecrest his Junior year, he lettered in football and basketball his Junior and Senior years. He was named to the Senior All-Ridge Conference football team in his Senior year. Here's the the Tampa Tribune in October, 1955, naming al to the All-Ridge Football Team.

I wish I had known Al after we graduated. I saw in the obit that he was in the US Army, and that he founded the Welding Company from which he retired. I remember his brother, Bob, who played football with us when we were Juniors. Caraker told me Bob passed away a few years ago. Anyway, Al, old friend, may you rest in peace. If any of you know Al's widow or any of their children, please let them know about this website and encourage them to read these comments.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

This Is What I Came For!

All those hugs. Here I am hugging Jean (Ray is not around, is he?)

And here ... Reba misdirects Nancy while I get just one more hug from Joan. What a great party! I hope we can do it again in a couple of years. Thanks to all who made it what it was.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

More Of What We All Expected!

Glenda, Joy and Jan

Jan, Susie, Gayle, Susie and Glenda

Carol, Reba and Jean Cumming, Reba's Sister and Wife of my Favorite Teacher, Troy Cumming.

Finally, Glenda Hugging Hubby, Del

Carol and Paul Van Dine. What a Great Treat for All of Us to See Carol after 50 Years and to meet Paul! Thanks to both of you for being there!

And the Winners Are ... Gayle and Carol

Dorine, Alice and Jeanette

Jan and Avis

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Give 'em Hell, Panthers!

Ladonnia and Billy Mathis, Glenda being hugged for a change.

Jan, Wilbur and Avis

Joan, Skip, Sandra Foster Amaral and Husband (I'll post his name when I remember it. 'Scuse me - senior moment.)

Jan and Joe Blum

The Carakers - So Sweet!

Joan and Charles Bailey

Saturday, August 05, 2006

L.M. "Luke" and Carolyn Sue Kirkland

Gordon and Mary Canning, Linda Arnold and Jimmy Motsinger

Mary Veta, Glenda and Boyce

Elvis Just Plum-Tuckered Us Out!

Sue Mock Tyre and W.J. "Mac" McNally - post-Elvis.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Party Animals All!

Susie, Glenda (hugging, as usual), Bobby and Gayle. MHS '56 Stalwarts All. (By the way, what exactly is a "stalwart".)

Naomi and Avis - looking good!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Winding Down the MHS 50th Class Reunion - sort of

Now here are a couple of "party-gals" for ya. Reba and Ann.

This is Morris Anderson, Bobby and Linda Arnold. Bobby was our leader and what a great job he and Linda did with the Reunion Committee. Morris and Susie Mae got married at our 45th Reunion as you may remember.

A Good Time Was Had By All!

And a good time was had by all! Susie, Glenda, Gayle, Del, Avis, Jan, Jim and Joe. All uninhibited, as evidenced by Jan's bare feet. But, who cares? Looks like they're singing; "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow!"