Mulberry, FL Class of '56

This blog is for the pleasure, entertainment and news updates about classmates of the 1956 graduating class of Mulberry, Florida High School. It may be used and accessed by classmates and invited MHS alumni and comments about the posts are encouraged. Have fun, oldtimers!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Keith and Shirley Hawkins - October 17, 2007

Keith and Shirley stopped by Kennesaw on their way home from Tennessee this past Wednesday, and Nancy and I were fortunate to have lunch and spend some time with them. We had some wonderful conversation with these two dear people. Thanks for stopping, Keith.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Dorine Davis and Wendell Powell's GreatGrandkids

Kylee and Harlee Powell. They are 3 and 8 months.
Beautiful kids, Dorine and Wendell!