Mulberry, FL Class of '56

This blog is for the pleasure, entertainment and news updates about classmates of the 1956 graduating class of Mulberry, Florida High School. It may be used and accessed by classmates and invited MHS alumni and comments about the posts are encouraged. Have fun, oldtimers!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

MHS Gray Panthers North Get Together at Vogel State Park in North Georgia
It was a beautiful day at Vogel on Saturday, April 25, 2009.
Sorry it's taken me so long to get these pictures posted on the weblog. I didn't take a lot of pictures this time and thanks to Ron Caraker and Jack McCall for their contributions.

Here's Ole' Ron and Donna McCall putting up the banner he's been dragging around for the MHS '56 class for years and years.


The folks start arriving. Here's Frances Rollins, Barbara Mathes Alderman and Gayle (in case you didn't recognize the latter two.)

Jack McCall and Guy Anderson

Gayle, Sue, Billy and grandson Hunter

LaDonnia, Nancy Burdette and Ceil making ready

That's Glen Alderman, Glenda Caraker, Reba and Barbara with her leg propped up.

Lamar, Glen, Shirley Griffin and Reba

Gayle, Guin Bridges Skipper and Joyce Johnson Griffin signing in.

Joan and Reba
Sue and Guy

Gayle, Randall and Pam Cravey

Ole' Ron, Joe Kitchel

Jerry Williams, Glen, Martha Mathis and Barbara (sitting)

Jane Stack Kitchel and Glenda Caraker

Dickey Do, Richard and Jack

Dickey Doo gets him some chicken'

David starts the "auction".

Jack talks about the time he spent in Pierce and at MHS.

The Pierce Gang. Gayle's in back of Martha Mathis.

Lamar, Jack and Billy

Barbara and Richard