Mulberry, FL Class of '56

This blog is for the pleasure, entertainment and news updates about classmates of the 1956 graduating class of Mulberry, Florida High School. It may be used and accessed by classmates and invited MHS alumni and comments about the posts are encouraged. Have fun, oldtimers!

Friday, May 16, 2008

More Photos from Vogel - April 26, 2008

The following nine pictures were taken and sent to me by Keith Hawkins. As you can see, everyone had smiles on their faces and were just enjoying it all ..

Vogel State Park was beautiful on this bright spring day in North Georgia.

Here Ron talks to Barbara and Richard about his book, "Holiday at Nana and Papa's Place: Long Story Shorts". He brought a number of the books to the Gray Panthers North get together and contributed the profits from them to the GPN reunion fund. The book is loaded with stories about the Caraker ancestors and history, Ron's family and high school friends and various shenanigans pulled by them. The book is availabe from Ron for a modest $20. and if you're nice, he'll even autograph it for you. It is a tremendous read!

This is a picture of me holding my Mother's retirement plaque from the City of Mulberry. Ruby Burdette Moses was City Clerk from 1953 until 1969. This plaque contains a piece of "Original Mulberry Tree" and was presented for "Sincere and Faithful Service." I was showing it to Keith as he snapped this picture.

We were all taking pictures of each other taking pictures of ... well, you catch my drift.

Caraker and Mathis gab-fest.

Getting ready for lunch.

Me and sister Charlotte and James Jordan. The signs in the background have been carried around by Ron Caraker for some 30 years and appear at all MHS '56 get togethers. Thanks for the pictures, Keith. Anybody else that has pictures of the event - send 'em on to me and I'll post 'em.


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