Grey Panthers North Get Together
These are pictures of the Vogel State Park get together for the Gray Panthers North on Saturday, May 1, 2010. We were but 35 strong but a good time was had by all who attended. Much reminiscing and good food. The weather was a little misty but warm enough to be enjoyable. The pictures are in the reverse order from when they were taken.
That's Susie on the left, as the crowd starts to dish their food.
Jim and Reba
Ron standing and reading about his "mystery" person.
Barbara standing and reading about her "mystery" person.
Lamar gettin' him some nachos.
Greg (Shirley's son), Shirley, Ron and Joe
Jim and Barb
Table of momentos and memorabilia about Mulberry and MHS.
Dot, Jane and Guin
Joan and Barb check out the old pictures. Are those Mulberry Presses I see in front of Joan?
Enjoying the conversation.
Nancy Burdette and Susie
Shirley signing in
Jim Booth and Rhonda Glass (Avis' daughter)
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